Pretty Little Liars is a series that follows a group of friends who begin receiving strange messages after one of their friends disappeared. These messages come from someone who only identifies themselves as “A” and seems to know everything going on in their life. “A” not only knows things from their past, but things that are going on during each and every second of their lives and the Liars can’t seem to escape.

There were a lot of people working for A.D., the leader of the A-Team and the main person behind the messages and torture that the Liars and the other people in their lives got. Although some of the messages that the A-Team sent the Liars were pretty lame, they were also responsible for some horrible messages and they did some awful things to the Liars.

Stealing Emily’s Eggs

Even though “A” did a lot of pretty terrible things to people throughout the course of the series, one of the worst was toward the end of the show. After Alison returned to Rosewood, things in the show took a pretty dark twist. At one point in the series, Emily had donated her eggs. And then, those eggs were stolen and they were unknowingly implanted into Alison, who became pregnant.

The two of them didn’t end up staying together, as The Perfectionists, revealed after Alison left Rosewood once again. But, stealing Emily’s eggs and then using them to get Alison pregnant was pretty creepy of the A-Team and definitely one of the worst things that they did to these characters.

Sending Out These Dolls

Dolls are pretty terrifying, right? There’s a good reason why so many scary movies are about dolls. These toys are creepy when they’re not talking and when you add a mysterious, ominous message that demands the person that received the doll to do something… Yikes!

During the second season of Pretty Little Liars, the A-Team did exactly that. They sent out a box of dolls, each one designed to look like one of the Liars, that gave out a special order for that character to complete. Hanna’s was to stop a wedding from happening and Spencer’s was to keep Toby safe, for instance. This took a lot of planning and cash to complete for the A-Team and was super creepy, making it one of the worst things that they did.

Emily’s Scholarship Swag

Because of the fact that Emily’s dad was in the military, her entire family almost had to move to Texas at one point in the series. The only way Emily could stay in Rosewood was to get a scholarship from a college’s swim team. When Emily got a box from Danby, she thought that she was going to be offered a scholarship, allowing her to stay in Rosewood.

Unfortunately, the box of Danby swag was simply purchased by someone on the A-Team and sent to Emily in order to mislead her and stop her parents from forcing her to move to Texas. Giving her hope for her future, only to have it end up being an ominous threat? Awful!

Hanna’s Oral Surgery

We can’t deny that the Liars did some pretty questionable things to try to find the identity of the A-Team throughout the series. But, that doesn’t mean that they deserved all the bad things that happened to them!

At one point in the series, Hanna visited the dentist’s office in order to try to find some files and get some information on someone in Rosewood who seemed really suspicious. But, while she was there, a member of the A-Team put the gas mask on her, put her under, and left a note inside her tooth. Snooping isn’t cool, but doing amateur surgery on someone is way worse!

Blackmailing Aria’s Relationship Early On

The first message from “A” that most people remember is the one that was sent to all of the Liars after Alison’s funeral. This message claimed that whoever was behind “A” was back and knew everything. This spooky line has become an infamous scene from the series, but it wasn’t the first message that was sent in the series.

After Aria realized the guy she had fallen for at the bar before the start of the school year was her English teacher, she got a message on her phone. This message was from “A” and claimed that Ezra must be just like Aria’s dad when it comes to messing around with students. How rude!

Ruining The Fashion Show

During the second season of Pretty Little Liars, Jessica DiLaurentis convinced the Liars to take part in a memorial fashion show in Alison’s memory. While they all looked great in their dresses, the fashion show took a horrible turn in the middle of it and made all of Rosewood skeptical of their intentions.

The screen that was displaying pictures of Alison suddenly turned scary, the lights went all red, and some creepy music started playing as the Liars were walking. Not only did this scare the Liars, but it was pretty rude to Alison’s mom and scared all the people attending.

Locking Aria In A Box

The Halloween episodes of Pretty Little Liars were always so creepy. One of the worst things that the “A” team did during the series happened during This Is A Dark Ride, the Halloween episode from the third season of the series.

There were a few scenes in this episode that made people think that Aria might be on the A-Team, but what happened to her definitely proved that she wasn’t. While on the Ghost Train, Aria was drugged and then locked inside a box alongside Garrett’s dead body. They even tried to push the box off the train!

Hitting Hanna With A Car

Hanna definitely had it the worst out of all the Liars. Not only did some of the worst things happen to her, but Mona was the first person revealed to be “A” and the two of them had been best friends prior to that.

After Hanna was left un-invited from Camp Mona, Mona’s extravagant birthday party, she was feeling reasonably hurt. Things got even worse after she went looking around in the woods, only to be hit by a car that Mona was driving. The “A” message that Mona wrote on her cast after this made things even creepier.

Exposing Byron’s Affair

Before the start of the series, Aria and her family were living in Iceland. They had moved there in order to escape the fact that her dad, Byron, had an affair with someone from the school where he was working. Aria and Alison witnessed it and, unfortunately, Aria kept it a secret from her mom.

Although it was totally not cool of Aria to keep that secret from her mom, it was even worse for “A” to come through and expose him. It was bad enough when the A-Team was messing with the Liars, but getting involved in Aria’s family drama and telling Ella about Byron’s affair was just too far.

“Hefty Hanna’s” Order

Prior to the start of the series, Hanna had some issues with her body image. A mean nickname for her was “Hefty Hanna” and Hanna was happy that she had finally gotten in shape and was feeling better about herself. But, when her mom started to struggle with money, “A” stepped in to help… In a way.

A member of the A-Team promised Hanna a ton of cash if she would go to a local bakery, ask for “Hefty Hanna’s order”, a box of cupcakes decorated with pigs, and then eat them all. This was especially rude considering Mona knew about Hanna’s issues.