It’s no secret that Mona was one of the most diabolical characters in Pretty Little Liars. Not only did she turn out to be “A” for the first two seasons of the series, but she was also always involved with the A-Team in some shape or form for the remainder of the show.

Mona was dangerous because of how much of a chameleon she could be. One minute she was Hanna’s best friend and the next minute she was sporting a black hoodie and hitting Hanna with her car. While Mona did have positive character development, her dark side always remained. Here are the 10 worst things that Mona ever did.

Starts The A-Team

Let’s not forget that Mona was “A” long before Alison even disappeared in the pilot episode. Mona was obsessed with Ali and was already messing with her before Alison was hit over the head by Charlotte and then buried alive by her own mother. “A” went on to terrorize the Liars for years on end and made their lives miserable and Mona is responsible for all of it. While it’s true that she was only “A” for the first two seasons, she started a domino effect by creating a despicable game that other villains eventually took over.

Most of the horrific events that occurred in the series would have ever happened if Mona hadn’t started it all by being the first to put on a black hoodie and call herself “A”. Even when Mona was seemingly on the Liars’ side seasons later, it was too late as she had already created a monster.

Tells Ali To Leave Town

This is by far, one of Mona’s most devious moves. Mona found Alison walking the streets of Rosewood just moments after she was pulled out of the dirt by Mrs. Grunwald. She took Ali to the Lost Woods Resort and convinced her that “A” was the one who tried to kill her so she would need to disappear to stay safe.

Of course, Mona was the initial “A” all along so Mona is completely to blame for Ali’s disappearance. After Alison disappeared, Mona not only went on to let everyone think that Alison had died, but she also used this opportunity to her advantage to start terrorizing the rest of the Liars as “A”.

Tries To Trigger Hanna’s Eating Disorder

The craziest part of Mona being “A” in the first two seasons, is how she’s two completely different people to Hanna. Mona is one of Hanna’s best friends and often pretends to be really supportive but apparently, all bets are off when she puts on her black hoodie.

Mona knows better than anyone about Hanna’s struggle with bulimia and she used this as ammo while she was “A”. She forced Hanna to eat an entire box of cupcakes and then encouraged her to “get rid of it”. This was definitely one of the cruelest things Mona has ever done.

 Ruins Alison’s Memorial Fashion Show

Even though Mona does have some positive character development throughout the show, it’s just too hard to root for her and forget the awful things that she had done. For instance, Mona ruined the memorial fashion show that Alison’s mother was putting on in her honor.

While Mona knew that Ali was really alive during this time, her mother definitely thought she had passed - considering Jessica was the one who literally buried her. Ruining the fashion show was really insensitive to Alison’s mom and the rest of the attendees who were there to honor Ali.

Hits Hanna With Her Car

Ah, another scene where Mona proves that should couldn’t care less about Hanna. When it’s revealed that Mona was “A”, she explained that she was doing it all for revenge because she hated that Hanna was taken away from her. That’s why it’s so confusing when Mona hits Hanna with her car. This doesn’t seem like any sort of way to win a friend back.

At this moment, Hanna had just found out Mona was “A”, so Mona must have felt like she had no other option but to get rid of her BFF. Luckily, this hit-and-run didn’t kill Hanna, but of course, it did erase any memory of Mona being “A”.

Destroys Caleb’s Letter To Hanna

It’s pretty frustrating how vengeful Mona was when she thought that Hanna had been taken away from her, considering how bad of a friend she actually was to Hanna. Even when Mona wasn’t posing as “A”, she still didn’t have her BFF’s best interests in mind.

Mona knew how much Caleb and Hanna meant to one another, but when Caleb gave Mona an important letter to relay to Hanna, Mona destroyed it. This should really come as no surprise considering Mona obviously wanted Hanna all to herself but it was still a shocking moment.

Tries To Kill Spencer

The brainiac of the gang, Spencer, was the first to find out that Mona was “A”. Of course, Mona didn’t handle this well. Mona knocked Spencer out, kidnapped her and drove her to Lookout Point. She then gave Spencer an ultimatum,  she either needed to join the A-Team or Mona was going to kill her.

We’re still not sure why Spencer didn’t just pretend to join the A-Team for a few minutes so that she could make it out of this situation alive, but either way, everything ended up okay. Well, except for Mona, who got tossed off a mountain in the scuffle but she ultimately survived the fall. No surprise there.

Stages Toby’s Death

In season three, Mona’s involvement with the A-Team as well as her motives, are a bit hazy. Fans eventually learn that she rejoined the A-Team to find out who took the game from her after her reign in season two. Mona even roped Toby into the A-Team and faked his death so that no one, including Spencer, would be looking for him.

Of course, this was extremely cruel, even for Mona. The idea of Toby dying sent Spencer into a downward spiral and landed her at Radley Sanitarium. Luckily, Spencer eventually came out of it and learned that Toby was alive and only joined the A-Team to protect her.

Fakes Her Own Death

In order to get on the A-Team’s good side and finally learn their true identity, Mona was willing to fake her own death. This was wrong on so many levels, but it was especially heartbreaking that Mona was willing to let her friends and family go through mourning her death.

Mona’s poor mother was put through so much pain. She had to hear time and time again how much of her daughter’s blood was splashed all over her home and how it was impossible that Mona could have made it out of the situation alive. This was definitely a heartless move on Mona’s part.

Tries To Frame Ali For Murder

“A” wanted Mona to fake her death so that they could pin the murder on Ali and she would go to jail. Mona was more than willing to do this in order to win over the A-Team. While Mona claimed that Ali would eventually get out of jail after “A” is revealed, she was still willing to send Ali away for a murder that she didn’t commit.

Mona also managed to alienate Ali from her friends as even they were convinced that she was a killer and were working to prove it to the police. Ali has definitely made her fair share of mistakes, but she definitely didn’t deserve to go to prison for this fake murder.