The world is waiting for more information about the PlayStation 5 and Sony might soon be ready to officially unveil the console, as the company has recently trademarked the PS5 name in Switzerland. Sony has been keeping its cards close to its chest when it comes to detailed information about the upcoming PlayStation 5, to the point where the reveal of the PlayStation 5 logo was considered to be a huge revelation by the company.

Sony has confirmed that the PlayStation 5 will be released during the 2020 holiday season, but there is still a lot we don’t know about the system, even though its release is on the horizon. Microsoft has been a lot more forthcoming about the Xbox Series X and is already starting up the promotion machine for that system, whereas Sony has been taking its time and allowing the rumor mill to take its course. The PlayStation brand is the current market leader and the fact that the PlayStation 5 logo was liked over five million times on Instagram proves that Sony doesn’t need to rush out information about its next console.

It seems that Sony might be ready to unveil the PlayStation 5 soon. Let’s Go Digital has revealed that Sony has trademarked the PS5 name with the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property as of January 27, 2020. The PS5 name matches the logo for the PlayStation 5 that was revealed at CES 2020. If Sony is getting its ducks in a row with regards to trademarking the PS5 name in different regions, then an announcement regarding the system is likely on its way.

Sony might be in a comfortable position in regards to its control over the video game console market, but it cannot rest on its laurels for long. The Nintendo Switch has seen incredible success over the past three years, while Microsoft clearly has big things in store for the Xbox brand going forward. The next console war is on the horizon and Sony needs to start offering concrete information about the PlayStation 5 soon. There have already been a number of leaks regarding the PlayStation 5 devkit and the longer Sony waits for an official announcement, the more likely it will be that more information is leaked to the fans.

Sony has confirmed that it won’t be at the upcoming 2020 E3 conference, so fans are divided as to when the company will unveil the PlayStation 5. There are a lot of theories flying around as to when this will happen, but if Sony is clearing the trademarks for the PS5 name in different regions, then we likely won’t be waiting for long.

Next: What Sony’s Second E3 Absence Means For The Conference

The PlayStation 5 will be released during the 2020 holiday season.

Source: Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (via Let’s Go Digital)