PUBG Mobile server not responding issue is one of the most common problems that users may experience while entering into the game or even after hitting the Play option. Although that may be due to the server issue or your internet connection issue, it’s always better to check some of the steps properly to ensure that there is some problem with the game actually and not with your device or network. So, if you’re also facing the PUBG Match Server Did Not Respond, Please Try again later issue, then check this simple troubleshooting guide.

The error code provides very little information that most of the users won’t understand what’s causing this issue. But don’t worry as we’ve provided a couple of solutions that should work for you. Make sure that you have a working and faster internet connection whether you’re using mobile data or Wi-Fi. Once done, head over to the following steps.

PUBG Match Server Did Not Respond, Please Try again later: How to Fix?

  • First of all, go to the device Settings and Installed Apps.
  • Scroll down to PUBG Mobile and tap on it to open the page.
  • Next, try to clear the cache and force stop the game.
  • Now, go back to the home screen and try to restart the PUBG Mobile game normally.
  • If that didn’t work, you can try using a VPN service by installing any of the free VPN apps from the Play Store or App Store and connect to a server to check for the issue.
  • Otherwise, try to change the DNS server address on your device.

For Android: Go to Wi-Fi settings > Press and hold on the connected network > Modify Network > Enter password > Choose Advanced Settings > Replace DHCP with Static > Set up DNS 1 with and DNS 2 with and save the changes. Finally, restart your phone and run the PUBG Mobile game to check whether it’s running properly or not.

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For iOS: Go to Settings > Wi-Fi Settings > Select your Wi-Fi Network > Change the DNS server to manual mode > Put either Google DNS or OpenDNS (only one of them) > Put and for Google DNS and save changes. Otherwise, you can go with OpenDNS with and > Save changes and finally, restart your phone.

That’s it, guys. We hope this troubleshooting guide was helpful to you. Feel free to ask in the comment section below.
