It took years but Apple CEO Steve Jobs finally has permission to tear down his hated house in Woodside to replace it with his own $8 million vision of what a billionaire’s home should be. Owned by former copper baron Daniel Jackling, Jobs’ Woodside house has been an ongoing soap opera as Jobs attempted to defeat local history campaigners to gain permission to replace the place.  There even seems to be some question as to whether these plans are really what Jobs has in mind. As revealed in these drawings acquired by Gizmodo, Jobs’ will spend $8.45 million dollars, on his new 4,910 square-foot house. His new crib will host five bedrooms and will be well lit by its many windows. He will also enjoy lighted stone walkways, a private vegetable garden, and a three car garage. Gizmodo spoke with an environmental psychologist to ask what the house revealed of the character of Jobs. “Based on these [drawings]… I would say Steve Jobs and his family are quite comfortable in their own skins and not out to prove anything to anyone,” she said. “They have assessed what they need in a home, and will have it built.” As you might expect from Jobs, the new home seems disciplined and restrained. It will feature the same level of design aesthetic you’d expect from an Apple Store — the architects are Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, the same architectural firm responsible for some of Apple’s stores.