It has to be hard for a group of writers to tie in storyline after storyline and then somehow pull it all together at the end of each season. For the writers of Queen of the South on the USA Network, it hasn’t been as hard as say tying up loose ends on Pretty Little Liars. But things will change in Season 5.

Season 5 of Queen of the South is set to air in June of 2020 and with the way Season 4 ended, fans are still trying to figure out where James came from and who is coming for Teresa? Those are just two of the questions we have after the shocking season-ending episode to Season 4.

Where Is Camila?

Camila’s absence in Season 4 was confusing. For three seasons, their relationship has been one of a boss and employer, then partners and for a short time a friend and then a rival. However, after killing Epifano, Teresa and Camila still have unfinished business to attend to. Is her revenge still ongoing? Will she make an appearance in Season 5?

For such a strong character, Camila has to make her way back into the storyline. She was mentioned just a few times in Season 4 but with James back in the fold, maybe it was her he was running from and shot him.

Who Is Coming For Teresa

At the moment, there’s no telling who could be coming after Teresa Mandoza. It could be anyone from the FEDS to Santos. Over the years, Teresa has made a few enemies who would love to see her dead. With James telling her at the end of Season 4 that they were coming for her, viewers and Teresa had no idea who “they” were.

Could it be Santos after all this time? What about Camila or someone else that she crossed while in Mexico? It would be too soon for the Judge to have regrouped but he did have powerful friends in New Orleans. With Teresa now as big as she is, “they” could be anybody at this point. There are so many options here and it was great that the writers left it wide open.

Is Eddie With The Government

It’s just something about Eddie that screams government official. Let’s take into account Teresa’s luck with men. She hasn’t had any. She tends to gravitate toward the bad guys and Edie may fit that bill. For Eddie and Teresa to share a romance and she just cut it off then he practically vanishes from the storyline, it seems a bit odd.

When James came back, he said they were coming. Is Eddie a part of “they”? In all truthfulness, it would make a lot of sense. He may not know the inner workings of her business but he does know she’s more than a bar owner. It was his whole set up. Music guy who just happens to catch her eye. They break up, then he shows up right before she’s about to head out of town to handle drug business. Too convenient.

Can Teresa Trust Boaz

This will have to be a big storyline for Season 5. Throughout the first four seasons, Boaz has been considered a loose cannon. Even before helping Teresa in Miami and pledging his allegiance, you got the feeling that maybe he was biding his time. But now that he’s running things in Miami, can Teresa count on him to keep his nose clean?

This is not only a new city but a new country where the rules are a little different. Boaz rules with an iron fist and I’m pretty sure he will rub some people in Miami the wrong way. There’s plenty of competition there and Boaz will look to expand in someone else’s territory which may bring unwanted heat to the cartel.

Will Kelly Anne and Pote make It

One thing that has always escaped the writers of Queen of the South has been the ideal relationship. Teresa has given it a shot a few times but other than that, there have been no real romances in the first four seasons. Is that about to change with Kelly Anne and Pote? Viewers love this connection as Pote is just as beloved as the Queen herself. And Kelly Ann has proven how vital she can be.

Pairing them together was a smart move. Pote is tough as nails but has a heart of gold and was raised on protection. Kelly Anne is not as stupid as people think she is. She back to practicing law and you can see the nurturing side she has when it came to Tony and Pote. But can they survive the pitfalls that come with this lifestyle?

Who Is The Brunette With Future Teresa

This is one of those questions that has been nagging fans since the beginning of the show. When Queen of the South does those Teresa in white scenes, there are four people with her walking from the helicopter. There’s only one person we can safely identify.

We know Pote but the other two men are a mystery. They could be hired muscle. But it’s the woman that has everyone baffled. Teresa doesn’t trust many women but this one seems to be very close to her. Who is she and what role does she play? Maybe the answer to that will come next season.

Where does Marcel fit in

Marcel is an interesting character. His place in the organization may just be in New Orleans. However, there’s no denying how great a team he and Teresa makes. They’re pretty much the same. Both characters are still on the come up and will do whatever it takes to make sure they come out on top. Despite their early differences, they somehow found a way to come to a truce and make it work.

If Teresa lets him run New Orleans, that will open the door for what many expect to be an expansion into New York. Then there is still the issue with the Judge. Even with Randall gone, the Judge will not go down quietly. Marcel has problems right at home.

Is Teresa Gone For Good

Teresa started out on the streets then became a housewife only to become a runaway, a drug mule, and not getting the proper respect she deserved as a woman in the business. But look at her now. She’s come a long way but has endured some pain as well.

Tony’s death may have been the final straw that changed our favorite character. Since then, Teresa has been out for blood. In Season 5, will we get the character who would show mercy to her enemies or the one ready to pull guns or her enemies? Compassionate Teresa was awesome but hardcore Teresa may be better.

Can Oksana Be Trusted

She seems to have a soft spot for Teresa the same way Camila did for a short while. Oksana is well connected and their business venture may prove to be beneficial to one another. However, Teresa is different than another woman she has dealt with in this business.

Even if El Gordo did plan to take Oksana out if she didn’t agree with him killing Teresa, how will her bosses respond to Teresa when they meet? Will Oksana be forced to choose sides? If Oksana can maintain that level of prestige she had from the moment we met her then she and Teresa on the same team could mean trouble for everyone.

Will Season 5 Take Place In New York City

There has been very little news as to where Season 5 will take place. Will they make it back to Mexico to deal with Camile? There is also the option of staying in New Orleans. Or they could head back to Texas. However, one theory that makes really good sense would be for them to move some of the operations to New York City.

With Oksana and Teresa in a partnership, she does have ties to the mob in NYC. Although Oksana works out of Atlanta, the New York connection could open up a great window of opportunity. We know the title of the show is Queen of the South, but who says she can’t have her hands in some illegal or legal business up north?