It’s wifi we are talking about and we all know that there is a slew of wifi problems that your Teclast smartphone will encounter every now and then. A number of reasons could trigger it such as distance and interference, strength of signal or software failure, crash, or if any hardware component is involved in the wrongdoing keeping you away from using wifi since the phone can either not detect any wifi network or if it does, it cannot connect straightaway or there’s no internet access and yes, this is just the tip of the iceberg called wifi problems and we are here to fix it with respect to Teclast smartphone although even if you have a different phone, this troubleshooting guide will work for it too.

Restart the phone

What would be best than pulling the plug and letting the system rest for a change? Restarting the phone would work in many types of Wi-Fi problems for sure so let us give it a try. Simply long press on the power button, a dialog box will appear on the screen where you need to select ‘Power Off’ and let the phone do its job. Wait for a few minutes and press the power button against and the phone will turn on possibly without the problem.

Toggle Wi-Fi

Did you just encounter Wi-Fi problems on your Teclast smartphone? It’s time to push the feature by toggling it OFF. Wait for a few seconds before toggling it ON and repeat the procedure a number of times if the problem continues to persist or move to the next method.

Use airplane mode

Flight mode or as known widely as airplane mode, this feature restricts any incoming and outgoing networks temporarily. This feature comes handy when you are expecting no network whilst traveling and you want to save that extra juice of battery that would otherwise keep on wasting. But this method is often considered as a great troubleshooting guide when you are expected network-related issues which include Wi-Fi as well. Simply toggle it ON, wait for a few seconds, and toggle it OFF and this must fix the problem right away.

Restart router

I have often observed this issue where my phone is connected to a Wi-Fi network but even after that, there is no internet access. When I spoke to the ISP, I found out that my router could be a problem at this point. I quickly went towards my router, turned it off, pressed ‘Reset’ button and waited for a few minutes before turning it back. Guess what happened? The internet access was restored. This is a common issue so if you are having trouble accessing the internet even after the phone is connected to Wi-Fi, use this method for sure.

Call ISP for help/resolution

If the internet access doesn’t restore after you did the last method I explained, chances are that there is an issue with the ISP. You can call them up, ask for their assistance virtually or ask them to send a technician for resolution and that must restore the internet access for sure. Also, check out the due date as ISPs disconnect internet access if someone surpasses due date without paying.

Consider lowering Distance & Interference

We are talking about the phone, Wi-Fi, and the router which means distance and interference are surely related. This is because a router has a specific range within which it broadcasts signals. You are facing difficulty due to Wi-Fi problems because either the distance between you and the router or modem is high or there are too many obstructions in-between wherein doors, windows, walls, etc are included. Obstacles can bring down the strength of the signal down considerably so you need to find a sweet spot or install a Wi-Fi range extender for that purpose.

Use Wi-Fi Analyzer

I know there will be plenty of apps that would allow you to find a sweet spot where you can sit and use Wi-Fi without any hassle. I have used Wi-Fi Analyzer which works great. Simply install it via Google Play Store and use it to find regions where Wi-Fi signal is the highest and that’s all you need to do.

Upgrade the firmware and apps

It indeed the issue is the phone’s software, updating it must enable you to get rid of it. You can update the apps installed as well as the firmware which must do the job right there.

Upgrade the router’s firmware

The router has a firmware too which means they can be updated as well. You can get the latest firmware via the manufacturer’s website and install it via the admin portal.

Buy a Wi-Fi range extender/amplifier

This is a particularly popular option among people who want to extend the range of their Wi-Fi router or modem if it is fixed at a distance from the laptop or PC or from where you use the phone. This is also handy when there are obstructions between use and the router such as walls, doors, and since these devices can be affixed anywhere, you can ensure that the Wi-Fi coverage is in every nook and corner of your home or office, etc.

“Unable to detect Wi-Fi network”

This is often one of the most happening wifi problems where the system is unable to detect a Wi-Fi network. This is where disconnect & reconnect can be used since it doesn’t require any rocket science to operate. Here, you can simply forget a saved network, give it a rest for a few seconds and reconnect it. Long press on Wi-Fi shortcut key enlisted on the notification panel or you can go to the Settings » Wi-Fi and delete a saved network, wait for a moment, and reconnect.

“Authentication Error”

If you proceed to Settings » Wi-Fi and try to connect to any Wi-Fi network, you’ll see how it process via the underlying notification that comes just below the said network. It goes from ‘Obtaining IP Address’ to ‘Connected’ but if it shows ‘Authentication Error’, what does it means? It means that the password you entered is incorrect and you need to enter the correct password again to connect. This is a possibility but there’s another possibility wherein you have entered the correct password but the error message pops up. This is where you do a ‘disconnect & reconnect’ methods explained above.

“Obtaining IP Address”

Next type of message or notification that comes while you are connecting to a Wi-Fi network. Although Obtaining IP Address means that the system is processing and would give an output i.e. if the password is incorrect, it will show ‘Authentication Error’ but if the password is correct, it will show ‘Connected’ but a third possibility is that the ‘Obtaining IP Address’ will remain idle for a long time. This is when you can either disconnect and connect to the network in-question or turn on airplane mode, reboot the system, or toggle Wi-Fi a number of times and that must give you a favorable result.

“Connected but no internet access”

This is more common as even if you register to a Wi-Fi network, it can still show an error that it is connected but there’s no internet access. This could be because the router is overworked which is when you reboot it and reset it. Also, it could be because of intermediate issues at the ISP that you resolve simply by calling the ISP and ask them to take necessary actions to restore internet access.

Seek help professionally

If you are still finding it difficult to curb the so-called Wi-Fi problems, you can still visit an authorized center where you will get a professional help against the hardware or software or whichever problem is causing the phone to develop trouble with its Wi-Fi feature. Note that you have a choice i.e. either an authorized center or a third-party center where the latter will void the warranty of the device if it is still intact.