As any casual Star Wars fan know, the Skywalker Saga is a little confusing, with the second half of it coming before the first and third. This means we were introduced smack dab in the middle of the saga.

Now in 2020, we can watch the saga in order and that leaves us with a chance to catch all the eerily ironic jokes that might’ve been missed without an understanding watching A New Hope for the first time.

If you’re watching A New Hope for the first time or you missed out on the joke, no need to panic, we made a list. Here are 10 ironic quotes you might’ve missed watching A new Hope the first time.

“As a matter of fact, I’m not sure what planet I’m from” (C-3P0) - A New Hope

The first one is this list comes to us just minutes into the movie when Luke and his uncle Owen first purchase 3PO and R2. While Luke is venting to 3PO about his desires to leave Tatooine or to how he referred to it “A Rock”.

In response, 3PO responds he doesn’t know what planet he’s from, but as we all know from the prequels, it was Anakin who built 3PO in his home planet of Tatooine. After Anakin left with Qui-Gon, 3PO stayed for another 10 years until Anakin returned and was reunited with his old friend R2.

It’s also ironic because 3PO claimed that he never did any hard labor just prior to being bought.

“There’s not much to tell, I’m mainly an interpreter and not very good at telling stories” (C-3PO) - A New Hope

Moments after the first entry Luke complains to R2 about his funk and build up. That is when 3PO reveals that they were with the rebellion but had crash-landed on Tatooine to where Luke is excited to hear more.

3PO explains he hasn’t seen much because he’s a protocol droid but we know he’s been in more adventures than we can count but he simply doesn’t remember due to his memory being wiped.

“Obi-Wans been dead for years, he died about the same time as your father.” (Uncle Owen) - A New Hope

The next entry comes after Luke sees the message that started it all and he explains his findings to his uncle to which he denies knowing and encourages Luke to forget about it and wipe his memory.

Thanks to the prequels and prequel comics, we know Owen knows Obi-Wan very well and his true identity as a Jedi.

“Learn the ways The Force, Luke” (Ob-Wan) - A New Hope

When you first watch A New Hope it’s a pushy old man trying to recruit a young kid on a suicide mission but as we learn later on and in the prequels, he knows a lot more than he led on.

Not only that but the movies and comics explain that Obi-Wan had planned to look over Luke and he knew about Leia so to him this was the sign that Luke’s destiny was finally getting started.

This makes his death so much more meaningful and explains why he was so willing to do it just days after formally meeting Luke.

“The Force can have a strong influence on the weak of mind.” (Obi-Wan) - A New Hope

Shortly after arriving at Mos Eisley to meet up with Han, Obi-wan uses his “Jedi mind tricks” to persuade the guards to let them pass.

It’s one of the most well-known scenes in the whole movie, so it’s an easy reference to make. We’ve seen Qui-gin attempt to use it on Watto but failing because his race was strong-minded.

We even saw Obi-wan use about 25 years prior in Attack of The Clones. When he got a dealer to go home and rethink his life.

It’s fun to chuckle and refer to this scene every time the prequel trilogy mentions it.

“He doesn’t like you” (Cornelius Evazan) - A New Hope

Not only do these two thugs make a cameo in Rogue One but they also pick a fight with Obi-Wan, a man who’s been in a couple bad fights.

As fans of the comics and the clone wars tv series know, Obi-wan is well known for being the voice of reason and a diplomat. Nicknamed “The Negotiator” for his ability to prevent a fight with his words, it’s ironic to say that he’s been a couple of bar fights.

In a new Hope, starting with these thugs and 25 years before with Luke’s dad when they go looking for the one responsible for almost killing Padme.

“That’s the idea. I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time” (Greedo) - A New Hope

The old Han shot the first scene is a memorable one for sure and the untimely end of the Rodian Greedo.

Greedo unbeknownst to him was buddies with the dark lord of the Sith himself as he was one of young Anakin Skywalkers neighborhood buddies.

It’s a shame to see he lived and died his entire life in Tatooine.

“This is where the fun begins” (Han Solo) - A New Hope

If you think this is a familiar phrase, you’re right. Not only was it muttered by Han on their way to escaping the Empire but it was also said by Anakin Skywalker in the opening minutes of Revenge of the Sith.

Both Han and Anakin are cocky pilots with a knack for getting in trouble but always finding their way out somehow. It’s how they fly, it’s how they are such good pilots, trusting their skill and luck to help them navigate out of trouble. Both pilots uttered these words when the trouble began and both had a smirk and a tone of sarcasm.

It’s safe to say Anakin might’ve liked Han as a son in law.

“I sense a disturbance, a presence I have not felt since…” (Darth Vader) - A New Hope

When the Millenium Falcon makes its way to the Death Star via pulled in by tractor beams, Vader is immediately suspicious. Especially considering that they still had Princess Leia and they had just destroyed Aldeeran.

But the “disturbance” was probably most likely Obi-Wans presence and as the prequels show, the last time they saw each other was when Obi-wan left him for dead in Mustafar after besting him in battle.

“The odd of survival are 735 to 1” - (C-3PO) - Empire Strikes Back

When trying to avoid the empire coming out of Hoth, Han takes a beat up Millenium Falcon and makes his way into an asteroid field after failing to go into lightspeed.

Star Wars fans should know that the odds are a little better considering Obi-Wan and Jango Fett were able to navigate through an asteroid field just a couple of decades prior.

It was clear that Jango had the same idea as Han to go into a field to avoid being followed and if Obi-wan has been alive he might’ve gotten the gang though the fields were much easier.