While Loop Syntax in R

Following is the syntax for While Loop in R programming:

while (condition) { Exp }

R While Loop Flowchart

Note: Remember to write a closing condition at some point otherwise the loop will go on indefinitely.

While Loop in R Programming Examples

Example 1:

Let’s go through a very simple example to understand the concept of while loop. You will create a loop and after each run add 1 to the stored variable. You need to close the loop, therefore we explicitely tells R to stop looping when the variable reached 10. Note: If you want to see current loop value, you need to wrap the variable inside the function print().

#Create a variable with value 1 begin <- 1

#Create the loop while (begin <= 10){

#See which we are
cat(‘This is loop number’,begin)

#add 1 to the variable begin after each loop begin <- begin+1 print(begin) }


This is loop number 1[1] 2

This is loop number 2[1] 3

This is loop number 3[1] 4

This is loop number 4[1] 5

This is loop number 5[1] 6

This is loop number 6[1] 7

This is loop number 7[1] 8

This is loop number 8[1] 9

This is loop number 9[1] 10

This is loop number 10[1] 11

Example 2:

You bought a stock at price of 50 dollars. If the price goes below 45, we want to short it. Otherwise, we keep it in our portfolio. The price can fluctuate between -10 to +10 around 50 after each loop. You can write the code as follow:


Set variable stock and price

stock <- 50 price <- 50

Loop variable counts the number of loops

loop <- 1

Set the while statement

while (price > 45){

Create a random price between 40 and 60

price <- stock + sample(-10:10, 1)

Count the number of loop

loop = loop +1

Print the number of loop

print(loop) }


[1] 2

[1] 3

[1] 4

[1] 5

[1] 6

[1] 7

cat(‘it took’,loop,’loop before we short the price. The lowest price is’,price)


it took 7 loop before we short the price.The lowest price is 40