Killing other survivors is one thing, but for most of the people on The Walking Dead televisions series and comics, taking out the dead is a big part of continuing to breathe. Over the seasons and issues, various means of killing the dead have improved, but some people are better at it than others.

Fortunately, there are a few people online who take the time to count up each and every zombie kill to determine who is the best zombie slayer of them all. Some numbers are estimated due to some high-number kills, but for the most part, these are the deadliest killers of the dead in TWD Universe.


Abraham may no longer be with us, but while he was around, he was one of the most efficient killers of the already dead. People latched onto him for survival thanks to his skill in dispatching the dead, but ultimately, he was killed by Negan on the show and by Dwight in the comics.

All told, it is estimated that Abraham killed off 49 walkers. He used his brute strength to continuously assault them as they mobbed him and his fellow survivors. While getting 49 kills is certainly impressive, it happens to be the lowest number on this list.


Believe it or not, the young kid who started out as weak and in need of protection has been credited with killing 57+ undead individuals. Carl was killed off on the television series, but remains an active member of the walker-killing community in the comic books.

In both series, Carl has lost his eye, but that hasn’t prevented him from taking out the occasional walker when the need arises. He primarily uses firearms to dispatch the dead, preferring to use a revolver like his father. He has gotten up close and personal with other weapons, but will use whatever he needs to when necessary.


Carol is one of the most efficient killers on The Walking Dead, but her skills in dispatching enemies favors the living to the dead. She has killed more survivors than she has Walkers, but that doesn’t make her a slouch when it comes to taking out a zombie every now and again.

Carol has killed an estimated 58 Walkers during her time on the television series and within the comics, but those numbers could be higher. She sees the dead as more of an inconvenience of a tool and will take them out when necessary, but doesn’t shy away from shoving one at one of her enemies.


Tyreese was a big guy who used his strength to take out as many Walkers as he possibly could. He used his upper-body strength when going up against the dead and favored a hammer for the task. The character was played similarly on the television series to how he was depicted in the comics, but both versions eventually died.

While he was still alive, Tyreese killed an estimated 60 members of the walking dead. He used his hammer for most of those kills, but he wasn’t unwilling to use a firearm when absolutely necessary. He was efficient and bold in his assault against the dead right up to the very end.


When she was first introduced in the comics and on the television series, Maggie was something of an innocent you would never expect to become an efficient killer. As anyone who survives for very long in The Walking Dead universe knows, you can’t remain innocent for very long.

Over time, Maggie has gone on to not only become an efficient killing machine against the living and the dead having dispatched around 75, but she has also become a leader. She took command of the Hilltop and while she isn’t on the TV series any longer, she is still a prominent figure in the comics.


Sasha was one of the most efficient zombie killers to arrive alongside Tyreese proving herself a valuable asset to anyone looking to survive the undead apocalypse. She was unique to the television series and has not appeared in the comics. Though she was initially denied sanctuary in the prison, she was ultimately allowed into the group after The Governor proved to be a psychotic killer.

Sasha was incredibly effective at making headshots with a sniper rifle. She became the group’s de facto sniper whenever necessary and racked up an impressive 81 Walker kills before she herself was killed. Her skills with the sniper rifle made her one of the most efficient killers on this list.


It should come as no surprise to learn that the woman who walks around with a katana is good at killing zombies. When she first showed up, she had two “pets” in tow; walkers she had disarmed by removing their jaws. She used them as a means of camouflage so she could walk among the dead without raising suspicion.

Despite being able to walk freely among them, she found it necessary to kill quite a few over the years. It is estimated that she has personally decapitated, slashed, and stabbed as many as 150 Walkers in her time on the show and in the comics.


Before he was killed by Negan, Glenn was something of an expert when it came to dealing with Walkers. In the early stages of the show and books, he was a skilled scout, capable of moving quickly through areas filled with the undead. He killed the ones he needed to and avoided the others he didn’t.

Throughout his time in the comics and on the television series, it is estimated that Glenn killed 174 Walkers. He used a variety of means to accomplish this high number including firearms and close-combat knives and other weapons. Until Negan killed him, he was one of the most efficient killers alive.


Though Darryl was created solely for the television series and has not made any sort of appearance in the comics, he has become one of the fans’ most beloved characters. One of the reasons he is so loved by all is due to his ability to kill a zombie (or person) with relative ease thanks to his crossbow.

This is a guy who not only carries a relatively silent weapons, but he also manages to use it to take out Walkers from far away with headshot after headshot. He never misses, which is why he has racked up an impressive 185 Walker kills on the show.


The man himself, Rick Grimes, is the most efficient and effective slayer of zombies in The Walking Dead Universe. He may have “died-ish” on the show, but he’s the central figure in the comics, which means he has no problems taking out the occasional walker. Determining exactly how many he’s put down is a bit difficult though.

Because he manages to waste dozens at a time or take them on one-by-one, the total number of Walkers Rick has killed is only an estimate. It is believed he has personally dispatched more than 230 Walkers, all without the use of his right hand.